RSA finished their investigation. Are eRides finally legal?

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After 4 months RSA finally finished one day work. On 22nd of June report on how eScooters are regulated in other countries is finally submitted to TD Shane Ross. Does that mean eRides are finally legal in Ireland? Of course not.

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Just to remind TD Noel Rock pointed out problem of eScooters in early 2018 but TD Shane Ross response was that eScooters aren’t so popular so they aren’t big issue and that can wait. Year later when eScooters became more popular he again found way to push that problem to someone else and asked RSA to investigate on how eRides are regulated in other European countries and buy some time. If you google it you’ll find out eRides are legal in most countries with or without insurance and in countries where insurance is required eRiders can actually get it but that isn’t case in Ireland. Current Irish law requires insurance but you cant get it anywhere no matter what you do.

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After waiting 4 months for RSA to do their investigation now TD Shane Ross decided to delay it all again by asking his officials to examine RSA report and make eRide community wait again for another few months. How long this will take we don’t know but we sure will be counting days and weeks. What will be next excuse for delay and who will be asked next to examine reports we still don’t know but we are about to find out. In the meantime more and more eRide community members are calling for protests every day. So if you’re riding your eRide its still illegal but luckily most Garda is using common sense and are aware that eRides should be legal and don’t stop eRiders but some still do.

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